
爱登·舍尔(Eden Sher),1991年12月26日出生于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,是一位多才多艺的美国女演员、导演、编剧、制片人和配音演员。她的职业生涯始于2001年,首次参演美国电影短片Stuck》,饰演Caterpillar Girl。此后,她在多部电视剧中出演重要角色,如2006年的《Sons & Daughters》中饰演Carrie Fenton,2006年的《单身毒妈第二季》中饰演Gretchen,以及2009年的美国家庭情景喜剧左右不逢源》中饰演休·赫克。
除了演艺事业,爱登·舍尔还涉足导演、编剧和制片人等领域。2013年,她自编自导短片喜剧《The Suitcase》并担任制片人。在配音方面,她因在2017年的美国电视动画《星蝶公主》中的出色表现,获得btva电视配音奖▪电视连续剧最佳配音演员提名。


Sher was born inLos Angeles, Californiaon December 26, 1991 to a Jewish family. She was raised by her mother, a single school teacher. She has both an older and a younger brother and three dogs.She began her acting career at age eight by participating in school plays, local theater productions and singing in her elementary school chorus.Her interest in acting was ignited after a recording of one of her school performances appeared on .
爱登·舍尔(Eden Sher)