
《效法基督》是一本著名的天主教灵修书籍,又译为《师主篇》《轻世金书》《师主吟》《遵主圣范》等。该书成书于中世纪,1418年首次以匿名方式发表。作者托马斯·厄·肯培德国隐修士,遵循了Devotio Moderna(新虔诚)运动。书中分为四部分:《关于灵修生活的有益建议》《关于内心生活的指导》《关于内心慰藉》和《关于圣体》。该书强调内心生活和撇弃世俗,而非模仿基督的活动。灵修的关键在于对圣体的崇拜。《效法基督》是除圣经外最受欢迎的基督教灵修作品,被认为是灵修和宗教经典。


Thomas à Kempis (orig. Thomas Haemerkken; Thomas Hammerlein; also Thomas Hemerken, Thomas Hämerken, Thomas van Kempen, Tomás de Kempis) (ca.1380 - July 25, 1471) was a late Medieval Catholic monk and author of Imitation of Christ, one of the best known Christian books on devotion.
He was born at Kempen (Germany), County of Cleves in 1380 and died in 1471 near Zwolle in the Prince-Bishopric of Utrecht, 75 miles north of his birthplace. He was apparently (accidentally) buried alive, in that splinters were later found embedded under the fingernails of his corpse. He was denied canonization on the grounds that a saint would not fight death in this way. His paternal name was Hemerken, Kleverlandish for "little hammer."
In 1395 he was sent to the school at Deventer conducted by the Brethren of the Common Life. He became skillful as a copyist and was thus enabled to support himself. Later he was admitted to the Augustinian convent of Mount Saint Agnes near Zwolle, where his brother John had been before him and had risen to the dignity of prior. Thomas received priest's orders in 1413 and was made subprior in 1429.