
《红灯笼》是一部1919年5月4日上映的影片,该片由Metro Pictures Corporation制作发行,片长70分钟。


Mahlee and Blanche Sackville are half-sisters, Blanche the daughter of an Englishman and his wife, Mahlee of the Englishman and his Chinese mistress. Mahlee rejects her people and attempts to find a life for herself among the Europeans. But she finds the color line impossible to pass and returns to lead her Chinese people in rebellion.
(中译剧情简介:Mahlee and Blanche Sackville 是同父异母的姊妹,Blanche 是由一个英国人和他的英国太太所生的女儿,而Mahlee则是由英国人和他的中国情妇所生的女儿,Mahlee抛下她的家族,并尝试在欧洲人之中寻找她的生活,但她发现无法冲破肤色的障碍,于是回去带领她的中国同胞作出反抗。)