Chinese paper cutting

Chinese paper cutting
Chinese paper cutting, or Jianzhi, is a kind of folk art which uses scissors or knives to cut papers for decoration or other folk activities. Having a wide mass base in China, paper cutting has been involved in the social life for different peoples and has presented multiple social values in cognition, amusement and communication etc. In 2006, Jianzhi was enlisted into the first group of National Intangible Cultural Heritage by the State Council, and it was listed in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists in 2009.


Monochromepaper cutting
Monochromepaper cutting is the most basicform,cutfromred,green,brown,black, goldand other colors, mainly used fordecorativegrillesandsketch.There arethreeexpression,.incised,carvedand combination of yin and yang.
Colorpaper cutting